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During registration, it will be necessary to upload verification. To acquire further information, kindly refer to this page.

How It Works

How It Works

As an affiliate, there is no monthly fee associated with joining the website and accessing the benefits of claiming or posting your affiliate profile. However, you have the opportunity to purchase monthly spots in our Featured Affiliates Section or our Platinum Certified Affiliates Section. Please note that these spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis and may not always be guaranteed.

By signing up, you gain access to many benefits including:

  • A complete Affiliate Bio and Description, enabling you to provide operators with a comprehensive overview of your offerings.
  • Expanded profile contact fields, such as email, phone numbers, and stream URLs.
  • Integration of your social media profiles like Twitter and Facebook.
  • The ability to upload a company video.

Moreover, you will have the ability to view reviews left on your profile and engage with operators by responding to their reviews or addressing any concerns they may have had regarding your affiliate service. You can view a full affiliate listing here.

Below are some frequently asked questions that may be helpful for Affiliates:

To sign up, simply click on the “Join Now” button located at the top right corner of the website. Then, select the “Affiliate” tab. You will be prompted to enter a username and email address. For better profile verification, we recommend using your business email address.

After signing up, your account will undergo administrative approval. This includes verifying your company email. If a company email is not provided on signup, we will require additional documents that verify your employment. Once approved, you will gain full access to the platform.

During the verification process, you may need to provide the following documents: the name of the company, the HR email address, a paystub displaying your name and company name (you can blackout other information), proof of domain ownership and or an employment contract to demonstrate that you or your company own the brand you are signing up for.

Once you have submitted the required information, please allow 24 to 48 hours for approval. You will receive an email notification once your account has been approved.

When you purchase a Featured Affiliate position, your listing will remain active for an entire month. If you signed up for multiple months, the listing will end on the last day of the final month.

Upon purchasing a Platinum Certified Affiliates position, your listing will be active for a full month. Similarly, if you opted for multiple months, the listing will conclude on the last day of the final month.

Please refer to our pricing page for detailed information on the costs associated with promoting your brand on our website.