Interview with Jasmina Durgutovic – Affiliate Manager at Glava Limited

Company: Glava Limited
Interviewee: Jasmina Durgutovic
Interview Date: 06/26/2024
LinkedIn: Click Here
Affiliate Program: Click Here

In an exclusive interview presented by The Inside Bet, in collaboration with Affiliate Roulette, we had the privilege of conversing with Jasmina Durgutovic, Affiliate Manager at Glava Limited representing StaXino. As we delve into the dynamic world of iGaming, Jasmina graciously shares her valuable insights on the latest industry trends and growth strategies.

Edward: Could you please share your background and how you initially entered the iGaming industry?

It all started with a dose of gambling love. As a player myself, I was always curious about the “behind the scenes” of these online casinos – the tricks they use to keep things fun and engaging. This curiosity turned into a full-blown obsession, and I dove headfirst into learning everything I could, from how the games work to how they market themselves.

Fast forward a bit, and I decided to turn this passion into a career. Affiliate marketing and player acquisition became my new playground. It was amazing to see how different tactics could totally change how players interacted with the casinos. Every campaign was a new puzzle, and how to figuring out the best approach.

Working with some incredible teams along the way. They not only helped me level up my skills, but also gave me a deeper understanding of what makes a truly awesome online casino. It’s been a good time, that has definitely prepared me for the exciting stuff ahead!

Edward: Reflecting on your journey from your entry into the industry to where we are today, what are the most significant concerns you have regarding the iGaming sector?

Reflecting on my journey from the start to where we are today, a few significant concerns stand out in the iGaming sector.

First, responsible gambling is always a top priority. While the industry offers exciting entertainment, it’s crucial to ensure players gamble responsibly and get support if needed.

Another concern is the ever-changing regulatory landscape. Keeping up with different regulations across various regions can be challenging. It’s essential to stay compliant while providing a seamless experience for players.

Lastly, there’s the increasing competition. With so many operators vying for players’ attention, standing out requires constant innovation and exceptional service.

These concerns, while significant, also drive the industry forward, pushing us to continually improve and adapt.

Edward: What are some of the biggest challenges you face as an iGaming Affiliate Manager? In your opinion, what are some effective strategies or tools that could help overcome these challenges? For example, how do you distinguish legitimate affiliates from the fraudulent ones?

As an iGaming Affiliate Manager, I face a few challenges: dealing with fraud, keeping up with regulations, and staying on top of industry changes.

Fraudulent affiliates are a big issue. To spot the real ones, I do thorough checks and keep an eye on their activities. Getting to know my affiliates well helps me notice any unusual behavior quickly.

Regulations can be tricky since they vary so much by region. I stay updated on the latest rules and work closely with our compliance team to make sure we’re always in line with legal requirements.

The iGaming industry changes fast. I keep up by attending industry events, networking with other professionals, and continuously learning about new trends and technologies.

Good communication and transparency with affiliates are key. By setting clear expectations and maintaining open dialogue, we build trust and work together more effectively to overcome these challenges.

Edward: When evaluating potential affiliates, what is your perspective on verifying an affiliate’s past performance? Do you rely on screenshots they provide, or do you have other methods of assessment in place?

When evaluating potential affiliates, I believe it’s crucial to go beyond just relying on the screenshots they provide. Screenshots can give us some idea of their past performance, but the performance also depends on brands to brands.

I prefer a more thorough approach. First, I look at their website or platform to see the quality of content and how they engage with their audience. This helps me understand if they are a good fit for our brand.

Next, I can ask for references or case studies from other companies they’ve worked with. Talking to their previous partners gives me a better sense of their reliability and effectiveness.

Additionally, we use tracking tools to monitor their traffic and conversions over a trial period. This data helps me verify their performance and see if they deliver on their promises.

By combining these methods, I get a more accurate picture of the affiliate’s potential and ensure that we’re partnering with someone who can truly drive value for our business.

Edward: It appears that many affiliates are now requesting listing fees and high CPA’s, which seem to have become an industry standard. Do you find it difficult to determine who can justify the fees they charge and who overpromises and under delivers?

Absolutely, this is a common challenge in our industry. With many affiliates now requesting listing fees and high CPAs, it can be tricky to figure out who truly delivers value and who might be overpromising.

To address this, I focus on building strong relationships and doing thorough research. When an affiliate requests a high fee, I look at their track record, including their past performance and reputation in the industry. As I said before I also ask for case studies or references from other brands they’ve worked with. This helps me gauge if their claims are backed by real results.

I also monitor their performance closely once we start working together. Tracking conversions and player engagement allows me to see if they are meeting expectations. If an affiliate consistently delivers quality traffic and conversions, then their fees are justified. However, if they fall short, we can have a conversation about adjusting terms or exploring other options.

In the end, it’s about finding a balance and ensuring we’re investing in affiliates who can genuinely contribute to our growth.

Edward: How do you think a platform like Affiliate Roulette can benefit affiliate managers in the iGaming industry? Can you share any experiences or insights on how Affiliate Roulette has influenced your approach to affiliate management?

A platform like Affiliate Roulette can be incredibly beneficial for affiliate managers in the iGaming industry. It provides a centralized place where operators and affiliates can connect based on reviews and performance, which adds a layer of transparency and trust to the process.

For me, Affiliate Roulette has made it easier to identify high-quality affiliates. The reviews and ratings from other operators give valuable insights into an affiliate’s performance and reliability. This saves a lot of time that would otherwise be spent on vetting and verifying each potential partner.

Additionally, the platform’s database of affiliates helps streamline the recruitment process. Instead of searching through numerous channels, I can quickly find affiliates who meet our specific criteria.

Overall, Affiliate Roulette has positively influenced my approach to affiliate management by providing a reliable, efficient, and transparent platform to connect with top-tier affiliates.

Edward: In closing, what would you like to see offered from Affiliate Roulette that would help you have outstanding performance in 2024?

In closing, Affiliate Roulette already offers many great features that have been incredibly beneficial. Looking ahead to 2024, there are a few additional enhancements that would help us achieve outstanding performance.

While the current analytics tools are useful, an even more advanced analytics dashboard with deeper insights into affiliate performance, trends, and projections would be invaluable. This would help us make even more informed decisions.

Additionally, having more reviews on affiliates would be incredibly helpful. More feedback from other operators can provide deeper insights into an affiliate’s performance and reliability, making it easier to identify the best partners.

Overall, Affiliate Roulette is already a fantastic tool, and with these enhancements, it would significantly boost our ability to manage affiliates and optimize our campaigns for outstanding performance in 2024.

We extend our sincere appreciation to Jasmina Durgutovic, Affiliate Manager at Glava Limited, for graciously sharing her invaluable insights and expertise with us today. Her thoughtful perspectives on the iGaming industry and affiliate strategies are truly enlightening.

Additionally, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated audience at The Inside Bet, in collaboration with Affiliate Roulette, for your unwavering support. Your continued engagement and enthusiasm are highly valued. As we embark on this exciting journey in the iGaming world, we promise to deliver more engaging interviews and content to empower your exploration.

Thank you for being an integral part of our community!
