Review Guidelines and Fraud Accusation Policy

Last modified: September 26, 2024

Review Guidelines, Fraud Accusation Policy, and Mediation

Affiliate Roulette allows users to submit reviews of affiliates based on their personal experiences. To ensure transparency, fairness, and accuracy, the following terms apply to all submitted reviews:

General Guidelines

  • All reviews must be based on your direct business experience with the affiliate.
  • We encourage honest feedback but expect all reviews to be respectful, free from defamatory language, and factually accurate.
  • Reviews should not include third-party claims. If your review concerns the experience of another person or company, they must submit their own review.

Scam Reviews & Accusations of Fraud

  • If your review contains accusations of fraud, scamming, or other illegal activity, Affiliate Roulette will list the review publicly but reserves the right to request additional information if the affiliate escalates the matter.
  • Escalation by Affiliate: If the affiliate in question disputes the review he or she must have a claimed profile on Affiliate Roulette, at which point we will begin the process of requesting proof from the reviewer to verify the claim and the review will be placed back in pending.
  • The following evidence may be required from the reviewer to substantiate the claim:
    1. Direct Impact: The review must describe a situation where your brand, not third parties, was directly affected.
    2. Proof of Claims: You must provide supporting evidence, which may include:
      • Screenshots or documentation showing monetary loss and the exact amount in question.
      • Documentation of fraudulent tactics, such as commission fraud, misleading terms, or refusal to fulfill agreements.
      • The affiliate’s user ID on the said platform.
    3. Duration of Engagement: The affiliate must have been engaged with your brand for at least 30 days to ensure accurate calculations in cases of commission fraud.

Review Verification & Evidence Request Process

  • When an affiliate disputes a review or escalates the matter, we will contact the reviewer via email to request evidence.
  • The reviewer must provide sufficient evidence within 72 hours of the request. Failure to provide this evidence within the specified timeframe will result in the review being removed, and the case will be closed.
  • If sufficient evidence is provided, our team will review the complaint for validity and take appropriate action.

Mediation Policy

  • Affiliate Roulette is not a mediation platform. We do not mediate disputes between affiliates and brands. However, for serious accusations like fraud, we will assist in verifying claims through evidence.
  • If both parties wish to resolve the matter independently, they are encouraged to do so outside the platform.

Affiliate Profile Deletion Policy

  • If an affiliate requests to delete their profile, this does not mean that their listing or any associated reviews will be removed from Affiliate Roulette.
  • The affiliate’s profile will be marked as “Unclaimed,” but the listing will remain visible to the public.
  • Profile deletion cannot be used as a method to remove bad reviews or escape accountability for any issues raised.

Resolution and Review Update Policy

  • If an affiliate and affiliate manager come to a resolution regarding any dispute or issue, the affiliate manager will be given the opportunity to redo their review.
  • The updated review can include changes to the star rating, comments, or other relevant information to reflect the resolution.

Removal or Editing of Reviews

  • We reserve the right to remove or edit reviews that are found to be false, misleading, defamatory, or lacking in sufficient evidence.
  • If new information or evidence comes to light, we may reinstate reviews at our discretion.

By submitting a review, you agree to these terms and acknowledge that Affiliate Roulette may contact you for further information or clarification.